Planning a Casino Party
There are many things to consider when planning a casino theme party. The staff at Always Fun Casinos will be happy to assist you with planning the details of your event. Listed below are important items to keep in mind when planning a Casino Party.
Number of Guests. The number of guests for the event will determine the number of gaming tables necessary which, in turn, dictates the amount of space required for the casino equipment. On average, between 60-70% of your guests will be playing at a gaming table during any given period of time during your party. Therefore, if you are planning a party with 200 guests it is typical to provide enough gaming tables to support between 120-140 simultaneous players.
Gaming Tables. The 4 most popular tables are: Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, and Texas Hold'em. Always Fun Casinos offers a variety of specialty games, such as Pai Gow Poker, Baccarat, and the Money Wheel. Each table has a number of designated playing positions. For instance, blackjack allows for 7 players, roulette allows for 8 players, and Texas Hold'em provides enough room for 10 players. Our one of a kind, Instant Quote Form will calculate the number of simultaneous playing positions based on the tables you select.
Space Required. To determine the amount of space each table requires, include 2 feet of clearance room on all sides to allow for players and dealers. Always Fun Casinos will also gladly visit your party location during the planning stages to determine the number of tables and layout of the tables given the allotted space.
Sequence of Events. Upon arrival each guest receives a predetermined amount of “Fun Bucks" -- typically $2,000. The “Fun Bucks” are exchanged at any of the gaming tables for casino chips. Guests play at the various gaming tables. During the evening, guests may optionally purchase additional “Fun Bucks” if available. At the conclusion of the gaming portion of the party, guests will redeem (e.g. “cash in”) all remaining Fun Bucks and casino chips for either raffle tickets or vouchers. Prizes and awards are distributed at this time.
Prizes. It is left to the host/organizer to supply the awards and prizes for the event. The Always Fun Casino Staff will be happy to assist in distributing the prizes either by raffle, auction, or other means. Contact Always Fun Casinos for suggestions on the number and types of prizes for your event.